8 Video Games Released After Their Consoles DIED

6. Enter The Gungeon Arcade

dreamcast game
Devolver Digital

Now this entry is a little cheeky, seeing as this isn't really talking about a game for a dead console but more a title that came out after the entire era it's a part of has long since passed, but when you actually see the game I'm talking about here I think you'll be more than forgiving.

This, right here, is an honest to god Enter The Gungeon light gun arcade game, that was planned to be released in the year of our slimy lord in 2020 to arcades all around the....er...wait wasn't 2020 a bad year for doing anything at all ever?

Global crisis and a quick delay to this year aside this was as much a throwback to the heyday of the arcade as it was a love letter to Enter The Gungeon itself, offering up a brilliantly refreshing take on the source material and delivering it in a hectic and frenzied way that only a light gun game can provide the stage for. While what little arcades are left around the world are closing, this game acts as a testament to why they were so popular in the first place, as the idea of blasting away enemies all night long with some mates by your side really is a core gaming memory for many.

Still, if you don't fancy tracking to the sticky part of your local leisure center to play a copy of this game covered in what you pray is just Vaseline, you can buy a unit for yourself for the svelte price of four and a half thousand dollars.

Hey, quality like this doesn't come cheap.

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