8 Video Games Released After Their Consoles DIED

1. Putty Squad - Amiga

dreamcast game
System 3

Oh Putty Squad, what... the actual hell are you?

Well, I'll tell you, friend, it's a title with a release story far, far, far more interesting than the tepid gruel style of gameplay offered up by System 3. In fact, trying to figure out exactly what version of the game launched when will likely turn your brain to actual putty.

So let's get melty.

You see the original game "Putty" was developed originally for the Amiga, and it sold as well as a game about a weird blob would normally do in this era of gaming, and by that I mean that it did GANGBUSTERS and immediately garnered a sequel. Thus "Putty Squad" was set to drop around 1994-95 on Super Nintendo, MS-DOS, Amiga, and Mega Drive. Of all these versions only the Super Nintendo version made it to market despite other formats actually being fully completed and being sent out for review.

So far so normal right? Well strangely in 2013, to celebrate its 30th birthday System 3 released the AMIGA version of the game on their website, but did this after a HD remake of Putty Squad was released for the PS4....I'm sorry what? Your remake came out before the actual original game officially did?!

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