8 Video Games SOLVED By MONEY
3. WWE 2K
Fun though the WWE 2K games are - in spite of their many, many flaws - they've been routinely criticised for the overbearing grind required to unlock the full roster of superstars.
And so rather than reduce the credits required for each wrestler, of course 2K instead released an "accelerator" - a paid means of unlocking everything in the game for a price.
Though the accelerator only cost a few bucks, it was basically 2K transparently admitting that the games were designed to waste as much of your time as possible grinding away to unlock wrestlers, unless you toss your principles aside and give 2K some extra money. Because actually buying the game apparently wasn't enough.
And yet, much as many players begrudgingly splashed out on the accelerator, it does result in a considerably more fun and complete experience.
But for WWE 2K22, the accelerator was rebranded as a "supercharger," and because the accelerator basically allowed players to unlock everything without playing modes they didn't want to, 2K infuriatingly decided to keep some unlockables out of the supercharger to ensure you engaged with every single mode. Boo.