8 Video Games SOLVED By MONEY

1. Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

The Witcher 3 Geralt
Warner Bros.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War was broadly well received by critics and fans, though there was one major sticking point that swiftly made itself clear - the utter slog to unlock the game's true ending.

After beating the main campaign, the "Shadow Wars" endgame content is unlocked, which on launch required players to defend their fortress from enemy invaders 20 times before they'd finally be able to view the bonus ending cutscene.

Completing these siege missions requires a serious amount of grinding to dominate enough Orcs to defend your fortress, or you can just do what Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment clearly wanted you to do and just splash out cash for some Orc-containing loot boxes to save yourself a ton of time.

On launch getting through the siege missions took hours and hours and hours if your Orcs weren't already levelled enough, and so there was a clear incentive to just pay your way out of the hole to prevent the game's final act becoming a huge time sink.

Thankfully fans kicked up enough of a stink that the siege missions were eventually nerfed to be far less of a grind, presumably only after those sweet, sweet microtransaction bucks had dried up, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.