8 Video Games That Are Fun Even If YOU SUCK

5. Hades

Hades bow
Supergiant Games

Hades is a really interesting example of this, because there's basically such a thing as being too good at Supergiant Games' roguelike action-RPG. 

Y'see, exceptionally skilled players who manage to sail through to the end of the game in short order will actually end up missing large swaths of story, character development, dialogue, and general lore which are doled out over many repeat runs.

And so, the fact that each subsequent run feels unique and fleshes out the overall experience makes it much tougher to feel demoralised and defeated when you lose.

Upon dying, the world is yours again to soak in and have more chit-chat with its many brilliant companion characters. 

While many roguelikes ultimately make the repetition feel oppressive and frustrating, Hades cushions the blow for less-skilled players by ensuring that there's always something new to acquaint yourself with.

As roguelike design goes, it's one of those elegantly simple ideas that should now be a standard in the genre.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.