8 Video Games That Are Fun Even If YOU SUCK

4. Wreckfest

Hades bow

Wreckfest might technically be a racing game, but let's be honest - it's really the unabashed spiritual successor to the legendary Destruction Derby series.

While Wreckfest does allow players to conventionally race others, the real meat of the game lies in ramming, shunting, and straight-up obliterating anyone else who dares to populate the same stretch of track as you.

Even if you never win a race or outlast everyone else in a demolition derby event, the act of getting stuck in and grinding metal with a lobby full of players is a pure riot.

Thanks to the sublime visual detailing and crunchy sound design, it's tremendously enjoyable to mindlessly smash into other cars no matter how poorly you might be performing in a conventional sense.

That cathartic thrill is surely why Wreckfest continues to enjoy a healthy player base more than six years after it first launched. You love to see it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.