8 Video Games That Are Fun Even If YOU SUCK

3. It Takes Two

Hades bow

It Takes Two is a game basically designed for those new to the platforming genre, given that like developer Hazelight's prior co-op project A Way Out, it's entirely concerned with two players teaming up to make it through the game.

It Takes Two centers around a married couple on the brink of divorce who must put their differences aside as they attempt to escape a fantastical land and work out their marital strife. And so, it's really ideal for a gamer to play alongside their unskilled non-gamer partner.

Basically, the game expects at least one of you to suck at it, and so the teamwork mechanics are relatively forgiving in allowing one player to pull more of the weight.

And even if you do get totally stuck, there's always going to be another human player there to provide a helping hand. 

This ingenious setup evidently struck a chord, then, given that It Takes Two won Game of the Year at The Game Awards and has sold over 16 million copies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.