8 Video Games That Changed Due To Fan Backlash

3. Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 extended cut

I have great sympathy for Bioware as of late. Anthem seems to have been a misstep for the developers and one that was plagued by issues across its development thanks to a lot of meddling from EA, and Mass Effect 3 was an almost impossible game for them to make.

I say this, because how exactly do you end such a universe-spanning space opera? How do you close down a narrative years in the making, in a way that satisfies everyone?

Well, Bioware didn’t know, and weren’t given enough time to find out thanks to pressures on release dates, as the original ending to Mass Effect 3 was something that would boil the very fluids from you body.

It all culminated in “what’s your favourite colour”, and fans demonised the closing act as lazy and meaningless; that their actions across the series effectively didn’t matter. Bioware wanted to make things right, and after a while, released a free DLC which expanded on the endings and tried to make sense of some of the narrative loose threads.

They didn’t need to make this, the damage had already been done, but the commitment to appeasing fans was a solid turn. True, if they’d wanted to please us even further they should have included more allusions to the Indoctrination Theory, but you can’t have everything.

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No Man's Sky
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