8 Video Games That Changed Due To Fan Feedback
7. Destiny Replaces Peter Dinklage With Nolan North

Considering it was the first of its kind, it probably shouldn't have been surprising that Destiny's launch was as rough as it was. Blending MMO sensibilities with regular first-person shooting, Bungie's new IP was an ambitious game that buckled under its own weight. The one part of the title fans didn't expect to be so rough, however, was everything surrounding the script, story and performances.
Sadly, what transformed Destiny from being a bit disappointing into a bona-fide meme was Peter Dinklage's role as A.I. companion Ghost. His bored, monotonous performance was made worse by the lines he was forced to spout. Everyone singled out the dreadful (but hilarious) "That wizard came from the moon!" quote, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Instead of living with the mess they'd made, over a year later they actually drafted in industry veteran Nolan North to re-record all of Dinklage's work to give the character a bit more, well, character.
The end result was a marked improvement, but there was still some nostalgia for Dinklage's crappy original.