8 Video Games That Don't Play By Your Rules!

6. Street Fighter Franchise

Blood Bowl Cheating

So. I think it goes without saying that the fighting game genre is basically swimming in absolute BS when it comes to boss battles. From opponents that can kill you in just a few moves to those with multiple health bars, unblockable attacks, and absolutely infuriating gimmicks like teleportation, invisibility or only being able to be hurt in certain time windows, it's a smorgasbord of smug bastards giving you a beatdown.

Even worse is when you see the computer cheating RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Take for example the Street Fighter series, in which certain characters activate their specials moves by holding a direction for a second or two before then inputting the rest of the combo chain. For players, this means staying still momentarily to set up the attack, for the computer? Well, they're not having any of it mate, and will routinely continue moving about the stage before unleashing an attack which has absolutely no telegraphing whatsoever and thus becomes even harder to block!

The likes of Blanka will lope about the place before barrelling a hole into your chest, and it takes the utter piss when you know that such moves require you to charge holding backwards and see the computer walking TOWARDS YOU.

It's enough to boil your piss.

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