8 Video Games That Don't Play By Your Rules!

5. Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef Of Destruction

Blood Bowl Cheating

If you're to mention Reshef of Destruction to Yu-Gi-Oh! fans you may actually see them shudder to their core as this brings war flashbacks racing to their mind. Reshef is not a good game by any stretch of the imagination, cruelly unfair and ridiculously arduous to get through, and many consider this to be the least essential game to try and complete in the series.

And that's to say nothing of the absolute silly !*$% that the final few bosses implement come the close of the game. If you've slogged your way through to this point, you might well be thinking you've seen it all, however, trust me pal, you're in for an eye-opener. Take for instance the final two bosses starting LP which absolutely shatter the games limit of 8,000 by rocking 20,000 and 40,000 respectively.

Immediate shenanigans aside, things get even more ridiculous when you see what decks this pair are rocking, as they sport multiple copies of absolutely game-breaking cards that the player, understandably given their shocking power, is limited to just one of per deck. This creates battles that are quite literally stacked against you and will leave you cursing both bosses and this game for such an unfair d-d-d-d-duel.

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