8 Video Games That Don't Play By Your Rules!

3. Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

Blood Bowl Cheating

In the majority of action games, the odds are never really stacked in your favor. You're usually outnumbered, outgunned and likely only wearing a Burger King napkin as armour when compared to the gear your foes are kitted out in.

Still, at least you've got your wits, stealth and of course the ability to hide in the foliage to get one up on your enemies. Problem is that many, many games seem to have an issue with omnipresent AI, aka enemies that all instantly know where you are the moment you step out into a clearing. You might not even be able to see them but they sure as hell can see you.

Mortal Kombat: Special Forces, however, dials up this broken ability to the extreme, as here not only can every guard in the stage see where you are before you can see them thanks to their A.I extending beyond the render distance the player receives, but get this if you use a Sniper Rifle to try and pick them off, THEY CAN USE YOUR SCOPE IN REVERSE TO SEE YOU.

For some unknown reason, this game counts using the scope as an extension of the player and tells the A. I that if you can see them they can see you. Absolutely broken and utterly infuriating.

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