8 Video Games That Don't Play By Your Rules!

4. Warhammer: Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Cheating

I do love me some Blood Bowl. Whether it's on the tabletop or the brilliant digital titles, Games Workshops' take on American Football is an utter blast combining fantasy creatures, ridiculously over the top moves, and of course, THE ABILITY TO KILL THE OPPOSING TEAM.

Seriously that is a genuinely viable tactic! As is being a dirty cheat and fouling players when they're on the floor. To be honest with some teams bringing chainsaws to the matches, it's a case of everything being legal until the ref spots it (and then you can always try to bribe them)

However, the computer-controlled teams in the 2010 Blood Bowl take cheating to a whole new level thanks to a combination of player skills that the rulebook intrinsically states is completely and utterly illegal. In the game when players perform well, they earn points to unlock special skills such as being able to re-roll bad dice or making them more sturdy on the pitch. Yet certain combinations are banned for being utterly game-breaking such as Grab+Frenzy.

This deadly combo, on paper at least, allows the player to block an opponent, push them back into a square of their choosing AND THEN FOLLOW UP FOR ANOTHER ATTACK. This can result in being able to push players off the pitch eliminating them until the next touchdown. Rough right?!

Good thing it's impossible to do right? WELL TELL THAT TO THE COMPUTER THE CHEATING BASTARD!

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