8 Video Games That Ended WAY Too Soon

2. Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Resident Evil 3
CI Games

Now let it be known, Sniper: Ghost Warrior is by no means the perfect game. In fact, quite the opposite in most cases, but it did an admirable job at the things that matter for a title of this nature, namely it made you feel pretty sneaky when you crept through long grass and gave you that brilliant adrenaline rush when you popped your target's head like a grape.

Yet one of the massive ball dropping moments came in this game's final moments. Throughout the game you'd been destabilizing a vicious military group, sabotaging their supplies, freeing their political prisoners, and weakening the regime by taking out key personnel. In the final mission, things have come to a head and it's time for General Vasquez to lose his.

So you line up your shot, you breathe deep and you let loose a round that has been hours of gameplay in the making. Your aim true, the bullet hits home turning his brain to wet cake, and now you can make good your escap... wait, what? The game just fades to black and spells out THE END? Oh come on!

This ending sequence deserved a frantic rush back through the jungle or at least some form of climactic set-piece, but no all we got was a one and done affair while the developers clocked off early. Cheers.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.