8 Video Games That Ended WAY Too Soon

1. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2

Resident Evil 3

When you've just released a smash hit video game, the temptation to release a follow up in as short a time as possible can be a great one indeed. It can lead you down a dark path, to greed, and then quite possibly to anger as the fanbase calls the rushed out slop you've fed them "proper nasty".

It is a dark path indeed. I'm sure there's a Star Wars comparison in there somewhere, but the point is, 14 months, that's all Obsidian were given to make a Star Wars KOTOR follow up, which in case you hadn't guessed, is not a lot of time to deliver on one of the best-received Star Wars games EVER.

Still, they did a bloody good job and thanks to reusing a lot of the previous game's assets, delivered on time. For a while the world was stunned as this appeared, in nearly every way, to be BETTER than the original. Better combat, more choices, and a tonne of bug fixing.

Then the ending happened, and over 40/50 hours of gameplay just disappeared like Alderaan under the Death Star's mighty beam. Your party members were cut out, you were given no rhyme nor reason as to how you end up on the final planet, and the last few battles were more phoned in than long-distance sex.

Thankfully modders have been hard at work and if you want to play the title with cut content lovingly put back in then the option is there for you.

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