8 Video Games That KNEW They Broke The Rules

7. Dragon Age 2 Needs Anders To Be Alive No Matter What

Anders Dragon Age

Not the first time Bioware will appear on this list, but as a team that continuously pushed the boundaries of storytelling and narrative immersion, at some point their criss-crossed wall map of causality was going to tie itself up.

What to do when a character you really want to have around in the sequel could be optionally killed in Dragon Age 1's expansion? Write something that directly addresses it, in the snarkiest way possible.

Yes, when Anders pops up across Dragon Age 2, multiple characters will question the fact they literally watched him die. Anders, very confidently, notes that was entirely the plan, actually agreeing that his death certainly was convincing.

Character Nathaniel even points out that Anders had an arrow in his neck, to which Anders/Bioware retort by asking "Do all mages look the same to you??"

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