8 Video Games That KNEW They Broke The Rules

1. Bioware Attempt To Salvage The ON FIRE Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 extended cut

Possibly the most public rule-break in gaming history, when you have an audience of millions looking forward to the closing part of your epic multi-year long sci-fi trilogy, they're gonna be scrutinising every last aspect of it during the finale, and forevermore.

Bioware though, as we'd later find out through copious amounts of interviews and "post-mortems", were largely improvising Mass Effect 3's back third as they went. The story goes that they literally had the tiniest of notes sketched out on a napkin at one point, and the "Starchild" finale we got directly conflicted with the "dark matter" lore hinted at in Mass Effect 1.

The backlash was historic, and it was DLC and an Extended Cut to the rescue.

While three months had passed and people h a t e d the Starchild character and how all the cosmos' races were now stranded on Earth, this combo of post-launch content tried its best. The Leviathan DLC notably gave us an origin point for the Reapers, and extended scenes changed the placement and explanation of certain characters during those closing moments. All-round it was an attempt to smooth over things like the Normandy crew abandoning Shepard when they needed them most.

Today, the Extended Cut is included as standard in the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 4's trailer showed Liara surviving on a very un-Earth-like planet - confirming intergalactic travel was up and running again - and all evidence of that 2012 original has been deleted from the galaxy.


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