8 Video Games That Made You Hate Yourself

2. Shadow Of The Colossus

GTA Definitive Edition
Bluepoint Games

Though Shadow of the Colossus probably didn't give you a shred of buyer's remorse, it likely did leave you feeling pretty crappy about everything you just did.

The game of course casts players in the role of Wander, a young man who seeks the power to revive a fallen girl, Mono. 

A mysterious entity named Dormin instructs Wander that if he can kill the sixteen gigantic colossi scattered across the land, he will be able to resurrect Mono.

Throughout the course of the game players might feel mixed emotions about killing these majestic creatures, many of which are totally docile until you, the player, begins actively attacking them.

But it gets much worse, as at game's end it's revealed that Dormin is a malevolent entity whose essence the sixteen colossi were actually holding at bay, and by killing them, his power is once again unleashed.

Though Mono is ultimately resurrected and Dormin is eventually dealt with, Shadow of the Colossus leaves players to ponder the cost of their quest, nudging them to consider whether felling these divine creatures was really worth it at all. If you don't feel like crap by the end, were you even paying attention?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.