8 Video Games That Mocked Themselves

4. Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time

Uncharted 4

The Crash Bandicoot franchise is no stranger to poking fun at itself across its tenure.

From Tiny Tiger mentioning in Crash Of The Titans that the gang didn’t invite him to be a boss in previous games, to the entire existence of Fake Crash which was born from a discount toy line that got so much of the design of Crash wrong that the devs fell in love with him, it’s clear if there’s a finger to point, it’ll most be the series doing that to itself.

However, I can honestly say that I wasn’t expecting the series to reference the “Woah” meme that was doing the rounds a year or two before Crash 4 stormed into our lives, making for a moment so utterly hilarious it caught everyone off guard.

After collecting all Wumpa fruit in an on-rails section, the screen will suddenly become flooded with low res images of Crash accompanied by OneyPlays infamous “Woah” soundbite, something that had taken the world by storm when it was repeated ad nauseum on Chis O’Neils Let’s Plays on the original games.

It was brilliant to see the series openly mock itself while also offering a nod to the fans that helped keep interested in Crash alive in the years he was in stasis.

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Uncharted 4
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