8 Video Games That Predicted The Future In Ways You Can't Explain

3. The Use Of Everyday Algae Fuel Was First Mentioned In Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Oilix

Hideo Kojima has long been proven one of the finest creative minds on the planet, but little do even Metal Gear fans know that he actually hit a home run in the spooky stakes back in 1990.

Using an almost post-apocalyptic setup of a world devoid of oil, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake spun a yarn where the fictional algae-based fuel OILIX was instead created as a solution. Although the game was set in 1999, the very idea of a bio-based fuel for motor vehicles was deemed one of 'those things' Kojima comes up with that nobody believes would ever take hold.

Though... 22 years later, the company Solazyme would create 'Biodiesel B20'; an algae-based fuel that revolutionised the way the industry now thinks about making the stuff.

So... if only the world hadn't hand-waved away Kojima's crazy theories, the Earth's environment would be in a much better state and in a way, he would've been responsible for saving the world from its inevitable collapsed O-zone state.

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