8 Video Games That Predicted The Future In Ways You Can't Explain

2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn's Queen Mirrored Obama's Birther Controversy & Presidency

Fire Emblem Obama

Cheers to blogger Video_Game_King for this one - it's pretty incredible.

Of all the dumbass things to happen in American politics, trying to unseat the otherwise squeaky-clean Barack Obama by demanding birth certificates was one of the most random. However, it's not a practice without precedent in the gaming world.

Back in 2007, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn tells the story of Queen Elincia - a very much left-leaning leader - taking the throne, only for various higher-ups and officials to form a rebellion against her position despite her successes, claiming that she was "fake" and not worthy of the position. It goes without saying that Obama experienced a similar enquiry for years, resulting in millions of Americans still believing he was born in Kenya - and thus not eligible for office of the White House - rather than Hawaii.

Not only that, but they attempted to rupture Elincia's support amongst the masses by disrupting her reputation through sensationalist lies - not unlike the various politicans and outspoken activists who latched onto the "Obama is Hitler" stupidity across the early 2010s.

This is why we can't have nice things.

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