8 Video Games That Punished You For Being THE WORST

5. Torture The Torturer - Syphon Filter

metal gear solid 3 snake eater
Bend Studios

So, let's talk Syphon Filter, a truly underappreciated PS1 title that is as awesome as it is completely and utterly horrific in some places.

I say this because, despite the game's focus on our hero Gabe's pursuit of truth, justice, and the "c'mon guys the government is totally cool" way, our main man isn't exactly operating under the rules of the Geneva convention at all times here.

Case and point, the game kits you out with a taser, which doesn't sound all that deadly until you realize that this isn't your run-of-the-mill nipple tickler, this is a piece of equipment that would have Bat-man sweating into his rubber underwear at it's stopping power. Once connected with an unfortunate enemy, you can hold down the charge button and overload your victim so much that they burst into flames and scream on and on until you finally stop cooking them alive.

It gives you the impression that Gabe carries packets of ranch dressing with him over healing salves as in this instance he's an utter monster.

Yet here's the thing if you're willing to incinerate another human being alive you're also likely not above shooting corpses for fun. The two seem to go hand in devil's hoof together right? Well if you actively or accidentally shoot a friendly CBDC officer's corpse the entirety of the unit will turn on you and put you to rest.

So there we have it on the scale of evil, burning a person alive is certifiably better than shooting a teammate's dead body. What a horrible lesson to learn.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.