8 Video Games That Punished You For Being THE WORST

4. Fighting The Sorrow - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

metal gear solid 3 snake eater

War, as General Shepard once mused aloud, Is Hell, which is a statement we can all agree with right? Just like we can all agree with WWF Wrestler Sergeant Slaughter when he said "War, Is Dumb", a quote that he must have made whilst looking into the future of the Metal Gear Solid games as whooo boy do things get pretty OTT fairly quickly in those titles.

However you my friend would have felt like a right idiot should you have gone on a murder spree within the phenomenal Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which goes to great lengths to make the player appreciate the horrors of war, especially within the boss battle against The Sorrow.

You see The Sorrow, aside from carrying a monicker that would become an emo-kids point of inspiration for their online handles for years, also carries with him the ability to utterly kill the party vibes by summoning ghosts of the dead to mentally attack his victims. He's basically there to bum you out by reminding you of each and every person you've offed up to that point in the game, and if you've been a particularly aggressive asp, you'll have to wade through a sea of ghosts each of which does damage to you as you pass through them.

This means that if you're out in the jungle stabbing and shooting soldiers and basically showing the idea of stealth and respect for your enemy the middle finger, you'll have a much harder time in this boss battle as a result. So what's the lesson here? Don't murder people just because you can!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.