8 Video Games That Punished You For Being THE WORST

2. Stealing From The Dead - Hades

metal gear solid 3 snake eater
Supergiant Games

Across the greater video game library, there are shopkeepers who have earned the right to be considered some of the greatest NPCs in history. Whether they pop up at just the right time with just the right weapons for the job, or are just so bloody memorable that they are immortalized with just a few lines (looking at you Merchant from Resident Evil 4), these shopkeepers and badass barterers are a sight for sore eyes and a means of helping you with that heavy coin purse.

However, as with most of these store owners, you should probably never, ever, under any circumstances try to steal or murder them in order to get a few free items. The store owner in Legend Of Zelda will insta-kill you for pilfering his shop, The death of the Merchant will mean there's absolutely no help going forward, and of course, if you ever even think of stealing from the almighty Charon in Hades, er....don't do that as he'll paddle your ass up and down the river Styx.

Seriously, there's a reason why Charon leaves his money in an open cage next to him, because who would be stupid enough to try and steal from a fella who carts the souls of the dead all about town? That's like being a taxi driver, bouncer, and bounty hunter all rolled into one, and trust me none of those personalities form a mixture that screams "please mess with me"

Yet should you wish to become the third Wet Bandit from Home Alone you can "borrow" some cash from Charon and he'll immediately punish your actions with a boss fight so hard that it'll be like trying to crawl across burning coals using just your tongue. Don't steal and especially don't steal from an overpowered undead ferryman!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.