8 Video Games That Punished You For Going Too Fast!
5. COOL! Ranking And GRAND MASTER MODE! - Tetris: The Grand Master 3

Thanks to the undeniably brilliant Tetris 99 that dropped in 2019, the world was once more gripped by Tetrimino-fever. It was fast, it was fluid and it had a genuinely brilliant soundtrack, and it actually inspired a lot of gamers to look back through the Tetris back catalogue for other puzzle-block experiences to play.
However, out of all of them, Tetris: The Grand Master 3 should be avoided at all costs. Not because it's a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but just because it's ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL and gets worse the better you do!
It's even called "Terror Instinct" in some regions! A scary Tetris game!
That fear is well placed though because if the player is able to achieve two "Cool!" rankings on the first two stages, then the game basically says "lol ok, time for a beatdown" and sets the drop speed to maximum! Players can only get "Cool!" rankings by completing the opening levels in under 65 seconds, meaning that you actively get punished for playing the game quickly!
Worse still, if you manage to see out the remainder of the stages under these conditions and get a "Grand Master" ranking, you'll unlock an even harsher mode where all the blocks... ARE INVISIBLE.
No thanks, I think I need a Time Out.