8 Video Games That Redefined The Horror Genre

4. Agony

Agony Game
Madmind Studio

2018's Agony was a disgusting affair, relying heavily on being more gruesome and grotesque than anything else on the market. Unfortunately, this meant that some story elements were sacrificed, and the game suffered from heavy criticism for those reasons.

The game sees the player take the form of a lost soul in Hell, and grants them powers of control and possession as they explore. However, the story is lacking and forgettable. Think of it as a bit like the Saw series of films. Full of unnecessary gore and very little storytelling, but that's what makes it fun.

The sheer amount of obscene detail in this game is what makes it playable. If the gore was taken out, all that would be left would be a few repetitive missions. But the gore remains, and boy is it horrible. From rooting through bowls of excrement to watching a reanimated corpse pleasure a demon, Madmind Studio really went all out to make the most sickening game to date.

Gruesome content aside, Agony showed that Kickstarter games have a future in the industry, and is one of the first crowdfunded gaming success stories.

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Freelance games writer. Bulbasaur was the best starter Pokémon, and this is a hill I will die on.