8 Video Games Where You Played As The Wrong Character

1. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Trilla Suduri

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order cal trilla

Inspired by Metroidvania titles and the Dark Souls series, Fallen Order allowed the player to feel like a Jedi not simply through button mashing and overpowered attacks, but by encouraging finesse and a mastering of the powers they had to hand. The exploration of the Star Wars Universe shortly after the execution of Order 66 is also a setting well worth delving into.

Arguably the weakest aspect of the game, however, is protagonist Cal Kestis himself. Whilst likeable enough, the young Jedi is stuffy and generic, and while his traumatic past is interesting to explore, his arc and his impact on the world is ultimately inconsequential.

A much more interesting protagonist would have been Trilla Suduri, the Imperial Inquisitor who serves as the antagonist of the game. Once a Jedi Padawan herself and having survived Order 66, her betrayal at the hands of her former master has her succumb to the dark side, taking the title of Second Sister and setting out to hunt down surviving Jedi - including Kestis himself.

Seeing the story unfold from the perspective of a high ranking member of the Empire whilst still retaining the game's rewarding mechanics would have made for a far more memorable story. Sure, we'd have lost BD-1, but that's a fair trade off for a better protagonist overall.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.