8 Video Games You Didn't Know Had KILLER Hidden Features

7. Rule The Wasteland - Fallout 2

Spiderman 2002 Green Goblin
Black Isle Studios

One of the first things that the original Fallout games teach you as a player is that choices really, REALLY, matter. If you screw up even an innocuous speech check you can spell the end of numerous lives, or even lock yourself out of some truly juicy content. It's this formula that makes every playthrough a tense mix of knowing when to push your luck and when to pull out your hip iron.

However, for those that complete Fallout 2 and fancy elevating themselves to above even what The Master hoped to turn humanity into, you can return to the Drunk Cupid Chapel, where you can speak with Father Tulley after destroying the Enclave Oil Rig who will reward you with an item called "The Fallout 2 Hint Book".

This comically named item which holds a brilliant description of "Well THIS would have been good to have at the beginning of the game" gives you 10,000 EXP each time you use it and boosts your skills to 300%! In one instant you become a God of the Wasteland and will be able to experience everything the game has to offer without any fear of death or reprisal.

Will you be a benevolent leader of mankind? Or just another jumped-up thug looking for a fight? Well my friend, that's up to you!

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