8 Ways Call Of Duty Can Screw Up By Returning To Its Roots

4. Introducing Us To Colonel Forgettable Soldier-Man

Call of duty

Can you name a single soldier from the Call of Duty series that isn’t Captain Price or Soap? Probably not.

And that’s because everyone in Call of Duty is basically the same dude (or dudette). They’re all really serious grump-heads, and their character can be summed up as ‘In the military’. Which is a bit like saying that your entire personality is ‘Reader of WhatCulture’.

That’s no way to broaden the scope of a game – all it does is allow COD to lazily use a character cookie-cutter, which in turn forms a lazy in-game universe for us to fight in. Really, was there any difference between the soldiers in Advanced Warfare, Black Ops III and Infinite Warfare?

Could you pluck one guy out and place him in another game without anybody noticing? Of course you could.

I’m not saying that even Price and Soap were particularly well-written, but they were memorable, at least.

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Call of Duty
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Word-wrangler and video gamer on the rocks. Once completed the original Resident Evil in 1 hour 4 minutes. Prefers Irish coffee over any other kind. Former movie trailer writer, now rehabilitated. Wrote the viral videos for the movie Watchmen. Likes sarcasm, cynicism, smoking and you.