8 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Improve

1. Actually Making Sure The Game !*$% Works On Launch

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2K Games

I can't believe that in this day and age such a statement needs to be made, but yes, going forward the gaming industry needs to be able to release tripple A video games without them keeling over and dying on the day of launch.

It's literally easier to list games that had a good launch than a bad one considering just how many of the latter exist, and despite the huge leaps in technology and increases in funding that many franchises have experienced, the first week of play for titles like Cyberpunk, Battlefield 2042, Predator: Hunting Grounds was a broken and confusing mess that left many players regretting their purchases immediately.

And I ask you, how is this acceptable? How is it fair on the consumer to not only pay ever-increasing prices for video games that don't even !*$% work when you go through the lengthy rigors of installing them and likely their monstrous Day 1 patch?

If a game isn't ready then don't bloody well release it simple as, because as surprising as it might be for publishers to hear, the majority of gamers are willing to wait for a game if the end result is more polished and worth the price of admission.

It speaks to a wider problem of crunch development time, of publisher pressure to deliver within optimum release windows like the lucrative Christmas run-up, and of course about the fact that we, at this current point in time are tolerating these awful practices. This is actively harming the very enjoyment that we take from the medium and it has to stop.

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