8 Ways The Video Game Industry Will Completely Change In The Next 10 Years

2. VR, Motion Controls & Other Gimmicks Will Finally Be Ruled Out

Job Simulator PSVR
Owlchemy Labs

I'll explain this more in my next point, but take a wide look at the entire history of gaming - can you point to one gimmick (i.e. something that isn't just one button-filled pad controlling a game) actually taking off and sustaining?

From the Virtual Boy to the Power Glove, Dreamcast's flirtation with portable mini-units and every incarnation of motion controls aside from the first Wii, they've all proven one thing: We like our games controlled with controllers. Yes, the Wii's motion controls were stratospherically popular, but did anything else outside of Wii Sports take off on that same console?

Exactly. Every company's copycatting attempt failed, and even Nintendo couldn't make lightning strike twice with neither the Wii U, nor 1-2-Switch on their new system.

We want to become one with the experience on-screen, and like grabbing a TV remote or thumbing through a social feed, the function of the "thing" in between needs to create 100% symbiosis.

It is simply because of that, that all gimmicks will always die out, faltering in the shadow of the mighty, one-and-all, humble controller.

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