8 Weirdest DOOM Enemies (And What They Represent)

7. Sabaoth

DOOM Mancubus

One of the bosses appearing in Doom 3, Sabaoth is a hellishly transformed Sergeant Kelly, a humanoid man atop a tank with the two grotesquely fused to one another. He makes for quite the adversary, unsurprisingly, considering the machinery he's wielding as part of his body against the player.

So by that logic, Sergeant Kelly is the quite literal definition of a tank after his transformation: a hulking, formidable foe that charges in and functions as a bullet sponge. Even his later name - Sabaoth - is a spin on his military prowess, translated from Hebrew to mean 'armies', or 'hosts'.

Usually, Sabaoth as a word is used to precede a reference to god, implying god as ruler of the armies of earth and heaven - but of course, we're looking a little further south when it comes to Doom and its hellspawn. Interestingly, Sabaoth is also referenced in Gnosticism, defined as a chief ruling archon of one of the seven heavens. He's connected to the creators of the material world, has a spiritual association to the planet Mars (of course), and represents the forces of duality for turning his back on his father and ascending to a higher plane.

This origin is taken and corrupted then, seen most clearly by Sarge's transformation into a strengthened hell abomination instead of heavenly ruler in Doom 3.

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Doom Eternal
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.