8 Weirdest DOOM Enemies (And What They Represent)

6. Mancubus

DOOM Mancubus

The wonderfully titled Mancubus is not so wonderful in appearance, featuring across the Doom series as a giant, blobby, sagging sack of flesh that moves slowly but devastatingly across the map. Most notably, it's arms have been melded into projectile barrels that double up as flamethrowers.

Now, there's a reason I laud their name - because this seems to be the root of their visual character design. Both mythological creatures, the succubus and the incubus, make up the bulk of its title, originally perceived as frightening, seductive demonic entities that invaded people's dreams to have sex with them. Whilst the Mancubus isn't out shagging in Doom, it is nightmarish to behold, so that much feels about right?

There's also Arcubus - the obsolete word for Arquebus - that defines a range of weaponry, which the Mancubus definitely embodies.

As for the prefix 'Man', in Latin the word root is related to hand - which makes sense for this guy's modified arms. Then we've got manducare, which is Latin for eating and chewing; self explanatory for the Mancubus's larger frame.

But really, whilst it's name gives us some lovely clues to its creation, Gregor Punchatz (the artist hired to design the Mancubus) has actually stated previously that the creature was most inspired by the B-Movie The Day Time Ended's many-nippled monster. Well, there you go then, at least the sexy bit ties in a bit better now.

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Doom Eternal
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.