8 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles Of All Time!

1. Velvet Chair Girl - No More Heroes 3

Mara Shin Megami
Grasshopper Manufacture

The No More Heroes franchise basically subsists on a diet of "stuff I found down the back of a druggies couch" and "I'm sure this was food at some point in time" and the way it spits out manic and incredulously weird boss battles and segments is akin to watching said ingested items come back with a vengeance from both ends like a horrible dose of food poisoning.

And yet, I absolutely embrace the insanity of it all.

Seemingly looking at the other titles in its roster, No More Heroes 3 attempts to one-up everything we've seen from the franchise before and does so with gusto, culminating in what must be one of the weirdest boss battles in existence, ever.

I'm speaking of course about the musical madness that is the battle with Velvet Chair Girl, who is, as the name might suggest, the Galactic Musical Chairs Champion.

Yup, that's right, this boss battle is a game of musical chairs. Oh Suda 51, never, ever change.

You will feel your jaw hit the floor as the match goes on, and beads of sweat form as the challenge increases, because come the end of things you're actively invested in a boss battle based around a children's party game. I love it, and I can honestly say there's nothing else quite like it. Which is probably for the best.

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