8 Worst Video Game Levels Of 2018

6. High Peak Castle - Dead Cells

Dead Cells High Peak Castle
Motion Twin

The vast majority of Dead Cells is polished to a mirror sheen. The momentum of every jump, the satisfying kickback of every attack - quite literally every second of controlling your little warrior-made-of-goop is a delight, and perfectly connects to every impulse you have as a gamer, seasoned or otherwise.

Then you hit High Peak Castle, and though you can change the pace of your approach to get through it relatively unscathed, the level is rammed with spear-wielding enemies that will hit you through floors and walls.

They'll interrupt your combos, connect through enemies you're already overwhelmed by - they'll even jab at you from off-screen, being their attack range is so huge, they detect you before you see them.

Dead Cells is by definition a roguelike where multiple deaths to acquire better gear is key, so having this be placed near the end of a lengthy run - only to be sent back to the beginning - is agony.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.