8 Worst Video Game Levels Of 2018

2. Every Stealth Level - Spider-Man

spider man mary jane stealth

Yes, these levels. The one portion of Spider-Man on PS4 that people just straight-up try to forget, the handful of times you have to partake in its rote, mid-2000s stealth mechanics feels as though the entire thing grinds to a halt.

You're triggering a part of the map to create a distraction, awkwardly shambling around corridors hugging walls and all the while never knowing where your opponents can really see. Oh, and if you mess up? It's back to the start to do it all over again.

Though these segments succeeded in highlighting the fragility of Mary-Jane and Miles Morales versus Peter Parker's power set (hence one of the levels where you actually work with Peter as he webs up thugs), gameplay-wise they're just not fleshed out enough.

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