9 "Leaked" Video Games That WON'T Be At E3 2019

4. Rocksteady's Superman Game

Rocksteady Superman

The most recent disappointment on this list, pretty much every E3 over the past three years has been rumoured to be the one where Rocksteady would unveil their next superhero game. The project has received an endless amount of leaks pretty much ever since Arkham Knight shipped - suggesting that it's anything from a Superman to a Justice League game - and the lack of any kind of update has been a little frustrating.

It's not the fault of the developers themselves, of course. Four years between projects isn't exactly unheard of, but the rumour mill has made some players itching to get a confirmation as to what Rocksteady are working on.

Sadly, they're going to have to wait a little longer, as lead developer Sefton Hill has said that the team will not be at E3, but they look forward to revealing more about their project in the coming months. Again, that shouldn't entirely be unexpected; WB Montreal have been working on their DC game for longer, so it could be them who pulls the trigger first on their latest project (rumoured to be a Batman title) this weekend.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3