9 "Leaked" Video Games That WON'T Be At E3 2019

5. Skull And Bones

Skull And Bones

Speaking of delays, earlier this year Ubisoft confirmed that their open-world pirate game, Skull and Bones, had been delayed indefinitely. Revealed in 2017, the title promised to blend the naval combat of Assassin's Creed IV with the open-ended exploration of Sea of Thieves, only in a far grittier, violent version of the seven seas.

For all intents and purposes, it looked like it was shaping up well, with each demo looking stronger than the last. It gained a decent following online as well, pretty much made up of everyone who had hoped Ubisoft would make an entire game out of the boat combat introduced in Ubi's other franchise. However, the title missed its 2018 release date, and was pushed instead to 2019.

That was the last we heard about the game until May of this year, where Ubisoft revealed in their conference call to investors that they had four AAA projects set to release between now and March 2020. The only problem was, Skull and Bones wasn't one of them.

Instead, the title has been delayed indefinitely, and won't be turning up at Ubi's conference at this E3, and maybe not even next year's.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3