9 Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

4. Paragon

paragon ps4 game
Epic Games

You might be forgiven for thinking that Paragon was a fully finished game, considering the ridiculous amount of money Epic threw at the marketing for the multiplayer hero shooter. Its beta was plastered all over Sony's storefronts in particular, encouraging people to pick up microtransactions for a game that wasn't technically even finished yet.

Yeah, it was the kind of corporate greed blatantly on display everyone hates, but the core experience of Paragon was actually quite compelling. The environments were stunning, the heroes were inspired and the gunplay was as solid as you'd expect from the publisher of Gears of War. The base was there for the developers to craft something special.

But then Fortnite happened.

When Epic's battle royale mode for the then-struggling Fortnite dropped, it changed everything and became the publisher's primary focus. In order to support its unprecedented growth, Paragon was cancelled, with resources shuffled into supporting Epic's world-conquering phenomenon.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3