9 Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

3. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim Game

The tragedy of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World still stings today. Everyone knows that the cult-classic movie failed miserably at the box office despite its quality, but what's less known is how its video game tie-in suffered a similar fate.

Released by Ubisoft to coincide with the movie, the side-scroller was a gorgeous recreation of the comic's art style and tone, absolutely nailing the word and these characters in a 2D brawler. It's exactly the kind of game Scott Pilgrim himself would have played endlessly.

Despite gaining a loyal fanbase though, the title was delisted four years after it launched in 2014 due to licensing issues. For years, fans have been vocal about wanting to see it back on storefronts, and Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O'malley has stated multiple times that the ball is entirely in Ubisoft's court. Sadly, it doesn't look like the company has any interest in getting this little side-scroller back in stores.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3