9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing

8. Immortals: Fenyx Rising

immortals fenyx rising

Though Ubi failed to market this whatsoever - assumedly stumbling to differentiate what is literally "Assassin's Creed meets Breath of the Wild" right when Assassin's Creed Valhalla itself was going to be their bigger hitter - it only feels more worthwhile when you pick this up yourself.

The story is pointless and a lot of the writing is try-hard cringe, but that amounts to 2% of the package. The rest of the time Immortals just plays good, has a sumptuous mix of over-animated combat, puzzles and unlocks, and makes no bones about getting to the meat of every gameplay mechanic for a solid 20 hours.

It results in a genuinely hard-to-put-down series of gameplay loops, with you defeat enemies and mini-bosses with chunky combos, before solving a puzzle or two on your way to unlock a new ability, noting a collectible in the distance and stumbling onto a new piece of armour on your way there.

Making it so light attacks replenish the meter used for specials - while specials then drain enemy block meters - is just the beginning of AC Odyssey's dev team implementing neat gameplay ideas that make the whole experience pop.

No one will ever believe that one of Ubisoft's best eighth gen games - with a KILLER Xbox Series X|S upgrade, no less - is called Immortals: Fenyx Rising.

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