9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing

7. Risk Of Rain 2

risk of rain 2
Hopoo Games

For all the roguelikes that become household names - your Binding of Isaacs, your Rogue Legacys and Dead Cells' - Risk of Rain barely gets a look in.

Perhaps down to the original having a barebones art-style and even the sequel maintaining a "Go on, you figure it out!" lack-of-a-tutorial, once this newer instalment clicks, it's VERY hard to put down.

Not only do you have an incredibly atmospheric, occasionally banging synthwave soundtrack fleshing out this idea of a platoon of marines going after swathes of bugs and ginormous bosses, but the array of unlocks and character traits you acquire is mind-boggling.

For a game to take a genre mostly routed in 2D - and still transfer its carnage and enemy-juggling blurs of weapons, auto-shields and kill-perks - into 3D, should be commended.

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