9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing

5. Haven

haven game
The Game Bakers

Up-ending all expectations for what they would do after the pulse-pounding action title Furi, Haven sees The Game Bakers pen a tale about two young lovers fleeing a failed utopia to start a life for themselves on a new planet.

Initially it's super cringy, but the writing is all in service of creating a relatable, human couple. Kay and Yu gain confidence over time, and are all-out dorks front-to-back, somewhat trying to impress each other with jokes and shared interests, but mainly realising they can make this work, despite barely knowing each other when they first departed.

The whole game can be played optionally in same-screen co-op, and you'll spend your time air-surfing like Journey's sand level, or engaging in super cool turn-based combat where you control both characters at once.

haven game
The Game Bakers

Depending on the enemy, maybe one of you needs to stay on the defensive while another charges up to strike later. Creatures need to be "pacified" for the fight to end, but that sometimes means doing so with Kay and Yu at the same time.

More powerful abilities unlock and you'll be back-flipping off mountainsides in no time, but the real driving force here is a quirky-but-loveable relationship between the pair, plus a solid, rewarding loop of scouring the planet, then enjoying some conversation, backstory and cooked meals at the end of each day.

Also props to this game's insanely dark optional ending, I did not think they would go there.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.