9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing

4. The Hong Kong Massacre

hong kong massacre

A very unfortunate title that likely meant a lot of people just didn't go anywhere near this, Hong Kong Massacre is actually Hotline Miami meets Max Payne.

Where My Friend Pedro managed to get on a few Game Pass sizzle reels and initially turned heads after its first trailer on Steam, it feels like developers Vreski are flying a flag all their own.

Thankfully, once you're in, it's a gameplay style reminiscent of those mid-2000s titles where everybody was experimenting with slow motion and bullet time. A cop story told in flashback with the main character being interrogated, it's an excuse to wander into a series of neon-kissed locales, and just go crazy with leaping dives across tables, windows shattered and debris kicked across the screen in glorious 60fps.

Its cutthroat difficulty might not be for everyone, but once you learn to dance in between the bullets and emerge on the other side, this is a solid spin-off from Dennaton's work on Hotline that deserves a wider audience.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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