9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing

3. Visage

Visage game
SadSquare Studio

A LOT of games have tried to take what Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro were crafting with P.T., and make it into a full game.

Allison Road was one of the first, Resident Evil 7 upended the franchise's entire feel (though Capcom would say they were ALWAYS planning this change anyway), but October 2020 saw the horrifying Visage finally drop on consoles.

In early access for quite some time beforehand, Visage has been gathering steam as a real horror aficionado's game of choice. Taking a lot of queues from that opening corridor of P.T. - and almost replicating it on the ground floor of the house you're in - Visage is directly about figuring out why a father executed his entire family.

Again, super P.T., but it's the atmosphere and restraint that means when a scare does come, it damn near takes your head off.

Entities standing at the bottom of stairwells, a pair of legs centre-frame as you're using a camera's flash to illuminate a hallway for fractions of a second. Visage suffers a little from a minuscule budget meaning very little animation is present for your main character or the enemies themselves, but look past that and you're got a bonafide horror gem.

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