9 Best Fan Service Moments In Video Games

1. That Weapon - God Of War (2018)

God Of War Blades Of Chaos

I’ve put this one all the way at number one for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it’s just a perfect example of fan service, and secondly it’s an enormous spoiler and I didn’t want you to have to leave the video too early if you would rather not hear this one spoiled. So, there’s your warning, head off now if you don’t want to hear major God of War spoilers, for the rest of you, let’s get into it.

A serious contender for the moment on this list most likely to give you chills, the sequence where Kratos must retrieve the Blades of Chaos from the chest underneath his home and the fight afterwards is almost unwatchably cool. It’s just perfect, from the set up where Freya asks Kratos if he has a weapon he can use in He’l and he says he needs to return home to the way he tugs on his bandages, and the way the blades light up when he picks them up. Kratos’ acceptance of who he is and the carnage that follows is also especially satisfying.

The amount of epic cannot be overstated, this is a fantastic moment in a fantastic game and it manages to toe the line perfectly in providing fan service without breaking the tone of the game.


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