9 Bizarre Reasons Why Popular Video Games Were Banned

5. Mega Man 5

Mega Man V Robot Masters

Bless the blue bomber eh, he’s a cheeky little whippet, bouncing around cleaning up messes in his game and unplugging machines all over the place like a maniac in a nursing home. What harm could he possibly cause anyone?

Well, in Vietnam, Mega Man was actually fed a big old ban because of a rather understandably questionable name for one of the Robot Masters: Napalm Man. If you know your history, you'll know this devastating substance had similarly devastating consequences during the Vietnam War.

So it seems pretty obvious that Capcom should just have changed the name of the robot and gone ahead with things right? Well that’s where it becomes bizarre, as they didn’t, refusing to change the name and just accepting the ban. This has led many to believe that the case wasn’t so simple, and in fact that Napalm Man’s entire stage was based on Vietnam itself - which the tiger bots would support.

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