9 Brilliant Video Game Mechanics That Are Criminally Underused

2. Climbable & More Dynamic Boss Battles - Shadow Of The Colossus

shadow of the colossus
Team ICO

Climbing on bosses is easily one of the most badass gaming mechanics that have been implemented in recent memory. Pretty much the entirety of the Shadow of the Colossus was sold on the simple fact that you could clamber around their magnificent monsters whilst hacking them to death.

A few games have implemented this mechanic, most notably Dragon's Dogma and Monster Hunter, but it hasn't garnered the wide spread use that it deserves. It adds an entirely new way to interact with the boss and in the case of Dragon's Dogma, can save a game from being easily forgettable.

It's simply just fun. It's fun to have that level of interaction with a boss. Most bosses boil down to being damage sponges and simply sit in an arena waiting for you to strafe around it. But being able to leap and grab onto a boss could make the tritest and most boring bosses pretty epic.

A small, but ever-so effective little touch.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.