9 Brilliant Video Game Mechanics That Are Criminally Underused

3. Destructible Environments

Mercenaries 2

Destructible environment are some of the most fun aspects of video games. Being able to blow up fuel tanks and other government facilities in Just Cause or being able to shoot through walls in Rainbow Six Siege are some of the coolest things going. However, developers aren't doing it nearly as much as they should be.

Being able to shoot the environment and shape the field of play through your actions can make for some of the best moments in Rainbow Six. And not to mention, the destructible environments of Battlefield bring warzones to life. But even in saying all that, they don't utilise the mechanic anywhere near well enough.

For all its flaws, Mercenaries 2 may be the best use of destructible environments going, and no game has come close. Every single building can be torn down, meaning that you can destroy the entire region of Venezuela, leaving no infrastructure whatsoever. Even major faction buildings can be flatteend with a well placed nuke.

More games need to take advantage of this mechanic and put the improved graphics of this generation to good use. If there are going to be thousands of assets on screen at once, they may as well be blown to smithereens!


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.