9 Brilliant Video Games Based On TV Shows That You Totally Missed

6. Game Of Thrones (2014)

SpongeBob Flying Dutchman

Game of Thrones exploded onto our screens in 2011, and audiences the world over were absolutely hooked on Westeros and its cast of morally ambiguous characters.

Game of Thrones was given the video game treatment early on, with a lacklustre 2012 release that received reviews that be described as "mixed" (at best).

However, Telltale Games put their own spin on the show in 2014, and the result was an absolute gem.

Following House Forrester, a family that wasn't introduced in the series, the story plays out from the perspective of the different members of the Forrester family as the rest of Westeros goes to war over the Iron Throne.

A point-and-click adventure game, Game of Thrones' gameplay isn't particularly innovative, but it does capture the magic, the beauty, and the brutality that fans of the show have come to expect, and it did so with an exciting story that fits right in with the show's over-arching narrative.

Featuring the voices of many of the show's actors, it felt well and truly a part of the Game of Thrones universe, and was well-received by fans. A follow-up was planned but was ultimately scrapped when Telltale Games underwent a majority studio closure.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.